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Wrights Farming Register Magazine

Take out a subscription to Wrights Farming Register, the monthly newspaper for the farmer, agricultural dealer, plant machinery dealer and contractor. Wrights Farming Register includes monthly editorial and features on farming and countryside topics including Rolling Back the Years' which looks at p...
Subscribe to Wrights Farming Register Magazine now from only £13.00
Save up to: £514.80

World Tunnelling & Trenchless World Magazine

World TunnellingTrenchless World WTTW is unique in its coverage of both large bore tunnelling and trenchless sectors. Formerly titled Tunnelling & Trenchless Construction, the magazine has been recently rebranded to reflect the growing importance of both sectors, particularly, the increasing potenti...
Subscribe to World Tunnelling & Trenchless World Magazine now from only £95.00

World Pipelines Magazine

Take out a subscription to World Pipelines magazine, the international b2b publication tailored to meet the specific needs of the global oil and gas pipeline industry, covering all aspects of pipeline engineering, construction and maintenance, as well as the technical and business issues that pertai...
Subscribe to World Pipelines Magazine now from only £60.00
Save up to: £200.00

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